روان شناسی و مشاوره::
Crews's debunking of the scientistic credentials of psychoanalysis undoubtedly reflects a rising anti-Freudian spirit of the times.
While the prevailing climate of our culture has been distinctively anti-Freudian in recent years, then, what I am suggesting is that a psychoanalytic approach to sociological matters permits the deconstruction of crippling dualisms, and thus opens other intellectual and cultural possibilities.
In contrast to the binary oppositions of Freudian versus anti-Freudian, modernist versus postmodernist, traditional versus post-traditional, the problematic of cultural production can be tackled from a psychoanalytic viewpoint as one of ambivalence, ambiguity, plurality, multiplication and difference.
Psychoanalysis offers itself to the world not just as a therapy (as the anti-Freudian revisionists so often assume), but also as a theory of human subjectivity and social reproduction.
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